EWEF Launches EAGDIS Project To Commemorate International Women’s Day Celebration


Erudite Women’s Empowerment Foundation has recently launched a project called Empowering Adolescent Girls-with-Disability for Improved SRH Services (EAGDIS) Project, funded by the African Women’s Development Fund, in Asante Akim Central Municipal.

The maiden project which was unveiled on Friday 8th March, 2024 at the Konongo Odumasi Senior High School Auditorium, aims at  improving inclusive sexual and reproductive health services by removing the barriers faced by adolescent girls living with disability in accessing age-appropriate sexual reproductive health related information and services in the Asante Akim Central.

The project was launched in commemoration of the International Women’s Day celebration, and saw representation from government organizations in the Municipal like the Social Welfare, Ghana Health Service, Ghana Education Service, the Municipal Assembly, and the National Youth Authority.

Also in attendance was a representative from the Association of Persons with Disability in the municipal, religious leaders, traditional authorities and prominent  entrepreneurs within Asante Akim Central as well as Girls-with/without-Disability from over 15 schools and the community at large.

Project Launch

The Executive Director of Erudite Women’s Empowerment Foundation, Mrs. Ohenewaa Constance Ankomah, in her opening statement at the launch highlighted some challenges that girls living with disability routinely face in the communities and the stress they go through to access general services especially sexual and reproductive health services.

She explained that the EAGDIS project has come to create awareness about the silent problems that affect  girls-with-disability especially in the area of their sexual and reproductive health and to aid in removing the barriers that impede their access to  SRH services.

Ms. Emmanuella, the Project Manager for EWEF, gave an overview of the project and outlined the various stages that this project will go through and some  strategies that the project will adopt to achieve its set objectives. She stated in her submission that EWEF is eager to deliver this AWDF funded project, as it  has been structured to accommodate the specific needs of girls-with-disability and promises to  build their agency.

The chairperson for the event, Mr. Francis Aboagye-Kwarteng, a social worker and CEO of  Franbenny Group of Companies delivered in his speech that, the project is to be commended and supported as it tackles an area of great concern to society.

He added that  EWEF works to accommodate out-of-school-girls with disability so that they also benefit from the project’s impact. The project was officially unveiled by the Director of EWEF, the chairperson for the launch, all government representatives, religious and traditional leaders present and some girls with disability

Dialogue Session

Following the official launch of the project, EWEF had an open consultation with present stakeholders to gather inputs that will drive a targeted delivery of the EAGDIS Project.

The present stakeholders opined that the project expanded its reach to the larger community and guardians of girls with disability, as they require education on how to build the capacity of their wards who are with disability. They also inquired of our implementation process to which we emphasised that they are implementation partners on this project, which means that they are responsible for the project’s success as much as the project team is.

The stakeholders pledged their support to the success of the EAGDIS project while applauding EWEF for introducing such a great initiative.

Way Forward

EWEF is set to continue implementation and sustain the impact of the project until the next three months when the project will come to a completion


The EAGDIS project witnessed a successful launch and has on board very committed partners and stakeholders within the community who seek to ensure that the benefits of the project are harvested by the society.

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